Versions in KRT V2

How versions are hanlded in KRT V2

Version Components

Each version is composed by at least one entrypoint, one exitpoint and one workflow.


This is the starting point of the application, and it is the node that receives requests from external actors and provides responses to them. The entrypoint is created by the KAI Server and the users do not have control over it. This is done automatically by the underlying KAI Server Runner SDK.

Entrypoints need to be subscribed only to the workflow’s exitpoint.

An entrypoint has a kubernetes Service attached to it, so it can be reached and queried. The Service attached to the Entrypoint has the following spec:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  creationTimestamp: "2022-03-28T13:23:40Z"
    type: entrypoint
    version-name: #VERSION_NAME#-entrypoint
  name: #SERVICE_NAME#
  namespace: kre
  resourceVersion: "11275" 
  uid: 747e7d01-2278-4ee7-8fc7-d158293c1697 
  - name: grpc
    port: 9000
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 9000
  - name: web
    port: 80
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 8080
    type: entrypoint
    version-name: #VERSION_NAME#-entrypoint
  sessionAffinity: None
  type: ClusterIP
  loadBalancer: {}   


  • #VERSION_NAME#: The version name defined in the krt.yml manifest (e.g. v1).
  • #SERVICE_NAME#: Depending on the version status:
    • Started version: is the same as the #VERSION_NAME#
    • Published version: active-entrypoint


A workflow defines the total flow of data, by describing how nodes are connected between them. A user can define one or multiple workflows inside a version.

The main components of a workflow are:

  • The workflow entrypoint which represents the gRPC service that is tied to the workflow. This is useful when you define more than one workflow.
  • The workflow exitpoint, needed to answer the entrypoint with the requests’ result.
  • The flow shape that links the nodes. Multi-branching is enabled for this version.
  • An ordered node list that defines the nodes belonging to the workflow and their specifics.
  - name: classificator
    entrypoint: Classificator
    exitpoint: exitpoint
      - name: etl
        image: konstellation/kre-py:latest
        src: src/etl/
        replicas: 1
          - "entrypoint"

      - name: email-classificator
        image: konstellation/kre-py:latest
        src: src/email_classificator/
        replicas: 1
          - "etl"

      - name: repairs-handler
        image: konstellation/kre-go:latest
        src: bin/repairs_handler
        replicas: 2
          - "email-classificator.repairs"

      - name: stats-storer
        image: konstellation/kre-go:latest
        src: bin/stats_storer
        replicas: 1
          - "email-classificator"

      - name: exitpoint
        image: konstellation/kre-go:latest
        src: bin/exitpoint
        replicas: 1
          - "etl"
          - "stats-storer"


A node is a process defined and programmed by the user. It can be coded in Python or GoLang, and it uses the KAI Server Runner SDK. A user can define one or more nodes inside a version.

Every node must receive data and return data. The data received/returned must be specified in a .proto file and is defined by the user.

The main components of a node are:

  • The data contract defined in .proto files. Specifies the input and output of a node.
  • The base image for the node. KAI Server provides several flavors for the base image (both in Python and GoLang).
  • The code that runs on top the base image. The code defines the behavior and responsibilities of the node. Nodes are coded on top of the KAI Server Runner SDK

Nodes are defined in the krt.yml manifest inside the workflows specification with the following structure:

    - name: repairs-handler
      image: konstellation/kre-go:latest
      src: bin/repairs_handler
      replicas: 2
         - "email-classificator.repairs"

A node is deployed within a KAI Server Runner Image that is responsible for executing the code defined for the node. In this way, KAI Server can provide utilities (such as measurements, logs, observability…) that make coding a node focused solely on worrying about business logic.

In KRT V2 handler functions can have any name, you can get more detailed info in KRT V2 guide and in the KAI Server Runner SDK for KRT V2 Guide

Published version with 1 branched workflow (classificator) and a total of 6 nodes (entrypoint, exitpoint, etl, email-classificator, stats-storer, repairs-handler).