
Install KAI Server into Kubernetes


Install chart

$> helm repo add konstellation-io
$> helm repo update
$> helm install [RELEASE_NAME] konstellation-io/kre

See helm repo and helm install for command documentation.


By default, this chart installs InfluxDB and Kapacitor chart as dependencies.

However, Kapacitor is an optional dependency. To disable it during installation, set kapacitor.enabled to false.

Uninstall chart

$> helm uninstall [RELEASE_NAME]

This removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.

See helm uninstall for command documentation.

Upgrading Chart

$> helm upgrade [RELEASE_NAME]

See helm upgrade for command documentation.

Ingress controller

This Chart has been developed using Nginx Ingress Controller. So using the default ingress annotations ensures its correct operation.

See values.yaml file and Nginx Ingress controller for additional documentation*.

However, users could use any other ingress controller (for example, Traefik). In that case, ingress configurations equivalent to the default ones must be provided.

Keep in mind that even using equivalent ingress configurations the correct operation of the appliance is not guaranteed.

Run KAI Server

Run KAI Server in a local environment


Customize KAI Server